ilhan jama

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© ilhanx

Well, it’s about time. This is a quick introduction, and it covers my name, my career, photography, and of course Web 3.0. Let’s get into it.

“If You Don’t Say My Name, That’s Better”

My name is ilhan. I always write it lowercase because people butcher it when they see Ilhan. The pronunciations I’ve heard range from ian, i-han, il-ian, etc. It’s important I always leave my name lowercase unless I spell my whole name in capital letters (ILHAN).

Not to make this all about my name, but I love my name.

What I Do

I work in Cybersecurity, which is a very broad field. But I didn’t know that when I entered it, which was through an apprenticeship. I love this field and I will write about my Tech journey and how I was able to enter and stay for 4 months now.

One lesson I’ve learned this year through pursuing Cybersecurity is that your passion can come second to your curiosity. Be curious, lead with questions, and your passion might be there waiting for you through the journey or it’ll meet you at the end.


Photography comes easy for me because I like to be creative. It doesn't take thoughts for me to create something in this realm. It’s natural for me, which makes it difficult to even call myself a photographer.

I love creating scenes, a story that sometimes only makes sense to me, a glimpse of the life ahead of me, etc. Though it took a long time, creating a place to keep my portfolio helped me immensely to keep going. It’s not so much escapism as it is a creative outlet.

Crypto and Web 3.0

If an Unlearning Blog post on web 3.0 wasn’t enough, I’m here discussing this again. I truly think cryptocurrency presents an opportunity for us to rethink our place in this world in the context of financial freedom. And retirement.

When I talk about crypto, I’m thinking about where my family and I will be in 5 years. In 10 years. All through my schooling, I never thought it was possible to retire early (in our 20s and 30s), but now that’s what I’m planning for. A great future is awaiting us all. Inshallah.

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