ilhan jama

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On Unlearning

© ilhanx

“The time we learn what to unlearn is the time we grow up.” - Bishmeet Singh

Unlearning is about validity. You don’t need to be anything to be valid.

Among the occupied, content, or lost - there is usually a constant that has remained with them. Be it a career, an aspiration, a blanket, or a person. For me, it was the undying need to become a doctor. To save the younger me. 

Once the dream of med school eroded, I understood a lot more about myself and what I truly wanted in life. It wasn’t to just help people. It was to help me. Then I can tackle the rest. 

The process of unlearning has been quite uncomfortable. For every piece of information or idea I let go of, hundreds lead me to actionable thoughts.

This was possible after hours and hours of stillness. Of nature walks and a plea for direction. Though it took time, I finally saw a hint of direction. My distaste is with indecision, not failure.

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