Unlearning Leadership

“Above all, the recipients of every bit and byte of your communication want value.” - Dale Carnegie

Unlearning has meant caring about aspects of growth that previously meant nothing to me. Leadership is among them. The content I consumed, from schooling, novels, movies, to empowerment rhetoric, are all guilty of painting an incomplete portrait of leadership.

I have come to the conclusion, quite recently, that I am leader material but I’ll have to map out my strengths in this maze. We are not born leaders or followers. As we examine what our place is in this world, we pick our route that best fits our worldview and which definition of a leader aligns with it.

Assessing your environment and deciding which role you want to play is in large part what later defines the kind of leader and the kind of follower we decide to be. Looking back, letting life happen and doing what’s in my best interest, which usually meant silence, is how I responded to places and moments that require the stereotypical leader. To which the lack of leadership flourished from within.

This slowly evolved - unbeknownst to me - not upon an actual desire to alter anything, but from the necessity to grow. To evolve. By providing myself a space to learn and ask questions, through Unlearning, I can make progress and see myself as a leader. Leadership is a decision.

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