Unlearning: Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs
Denise Bossarte
Even through learning and growing, sometimes the things we think we know can actually hold us back. This for me is where the concept of unlearning comes in.
Unlearning Here and Now
Unlearning is the process of letting go of old ideas and beliefs that no longer serve us. It's about recognizing when our preconceived notions are preventing us from moving forward and embracing new ways of thinking.
The concept of unlearning has been a powerful tool for personal growth. Even as I work towards becoming a better founder of Unlearningx, I've had to let go of some of my old ideas about work in order to understand which direction to go. I've also had to unlearn some of the beliefs I had about myself and my capabilities.
For example, I used to think that I wasn't a "tech person." But as I've delved deeper into the world of cybersecurity, I've realized that anyone can learn and excel in any field, regardless of their background or previous experience. This limiting belief was always there but becoming conscious of unlearning brought it forward.
Even being an artist is still a confusing aspect of my life. I love photography, editing, and telling a story - it’s really who I am at the core. Yet, it never occurred to me to call myself an artist. Once I joined a community (Twitter’s NFT photography crew), they allowed me to see that art doesn’t have to be punishing. It can be the light in your life, the colorful movements created, and what’s making you smile beyond any other activity or hobby.
This journey to unlearning continues, and documenting my thought process has become vital. I believe that by sharing our stories, we can inspire and support each other as we let go of our old ideas and embrace new ways of thinking.
Join me on this journey, I’ll do my best to keep you company:)
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