5 FREE Cybersecurity Resources: Beginners Edition
Maxim Berg
Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats.
Cybersecurity has an enormous talent shortage and the unfilled positions in this discipline attest to this. Companies need to be strategic and get creative to fill their vacancies as well as contribute to the growth of cybersecurity awareness and knowledge.
I have gotten a ton (a TON) of requests to write and share more resources regarding Cybersecurity - especially for beginners. When I started this unlearning journey as I was entering tech, I wrote a post on resources for cybersecurity. Check that out too as this will be a continuation.
Sans’ free fundamentals of cybersecurity offerings help you learn the basics through modules. These are great introductory materials that can be learned on the go and you don’t have to worry about enrolling and attending formal classes (although they do offer that too). The key here is free - because Sans offerings can be expensive too.
LetsDefend is tailored for blue-team training. You’re defending against attacks as you would in a SOC. This specific area of expertise is needed in the cybersecurity world, give it a try if you’re curious. They allow you 5 cases each month for free.
Hackthebox is a great option for beginners because it’s gamified as well as hands-on - which is incredibly important for keeping your attention. However, this can be distracting for some while others prefer more traditional classroom settings.
Coursera provides a wide array of cybersecurity courses sponsored by colleges and universities. If you’re looking for an intro course, check out this one - Cybersecurity and Its Ten Domains. If you’re someone that values structure, then this might be a good fit for you.
Cybrary combines cybersecurity training with professional development. They have free content to use while you study and prepare for roles and interviews.
I know at least one of these resources will be of value. Remember to pace yourself and choose 1 or 2 sources to learn in the beginning so that it doesn’t become overwhelming. Give yourself time to get acclimated and allow yourself to be bad at things because fatigue is a real problem when self-teaching.
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