How to be Consistent: Long-Term Thinking
“Imperfection facilitates improvement, perfection facilitates stagnation.”
Consistency is on everyone’s mind: how to consistently cook instead of buying food, creating content, or studying. I do not have any of the answers needed to achieve absolute consistency. However, I want to share what made a huge difference for me - thinking long-term to create consistency in my life.
Reducing Procrastination
This Unlearning Blog is an example. I want to be a better writer and compose books that I would love to see written but aren’t currently out there. This goal won’t be feasible if I don’t write to begin with - which brings me back to Unlearning Blog.
I tricked myself into writing weekly (I have missed a few due to vacations, sick days, etc.) because I am focused on her. The ilhan, years from now, needs this to create a story.
It sounds too easy to work until you try it. I went from fantasizing about writing and putting stuff out there (I didn’t even want to call it writing) to developing and understanding my own voice. I have a voice, and I have always had a voice - but to see it in writing over time has been encouraging. You watch as your ideas, priorities, and perspectives change.
Long-Term is Low Risk
Even on the days I feel I have nothing to talk, write, or ideate about - my only job remains to write something. None of the pieces I am writing have to add a huge value to others, though I try, as long as I want to write about them. This method has allowed me to freely write about ideas I just learned, a career I recently entered, and books I haven’t finished yet. It’s all an ongoing progress.
Though consistency was what I was looking for, I got so much more out of it. The idea of perfection makes me uncomfortable. My emphasis on a daily basis is action rather than endless thoughts.
The lessons are painful learning this way, but the beauty comes from failing fast and dusting yourself off even faster.
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