The Best Leaders are Good People with Great Storytelling
Alex Perez
“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
The best leaders are good people with great storytelling.
What happens when a person is a great storyteller but not necessarily a good person? My current hypothesis is that a leader lacking the qualities and characteristics considered “good” can still be successful, but the impact is then at issue here.
In this context, long-term impact (which is different for everyone) relates beyond monetary success. The effect and influence one leaves behind on others - kindness and generosity being a few - is a measurement of impact.
Storytelling is a tool a leader can utilize to meet their objective and prepare and execute on the broader impact. The effects of this impact might take a lifetime - which is why character and impact are tied.
A good portion of our attention to leadership should go to storytelling and how we can communicate across audiences. I frequently ask people what a great leader is, and I rarely ever hear storytelling mentioned.
I will be writing more on this as I understand it better.
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